How to STOP Telling, and START Inspiring
I was listening to a speaker the other day and something she said really stuck with me: “You don’t want people to do what YOU want them to do. You want them to do what THEY want to do. And you have to train them to do that.” This was a speaker talking…
Read MoreMaking Changes that Stick: Training, Motivating and Fine-Tuning Your Organization to get Results
“I told them what they should be doing! I don’t know WHY they aren’t doing it!” At some point or other, we’ve all been guilty of thinking or of saying something along those lines. “Guilty?!” you might protest, “But I’m the boss! They should be doing what I’m asking them to do!” It’s true that…
Read MoreWhat’s Stopping You? Getting out of your own way.
Once upon a time… my website was lame. It was actually embarrassing. It was so flat and uninspiring, in fact, that I was actively telling people NOT to visit my website. The worst part was, that for two months I had been working with a fabulous team. They had rebranded my business, created a gorgeous…
Read MoreFinding big money in a little word: Learning to Love the “No”
No! It’s usually the first word we learn and the first word we learn to hate. Even as adults, the word “NO” triggers a sense of loss or of being prevented from having something that we want. Those two little letters form the barrier between us and the object of our desire. In sales, they are dreaded…
Read MoreThe Process to a True Yes: Genuine Service
“A committed client is the natural outcome of genuine service.” There is something in our collective consciousness that is hardwired to equate on-the-spot selling with pushy images of used car salesmen trying to pressure, guilt and/or cajole us into buying decisions we’ll later regret. But what if our collective consciousness is wrong on this? Step…
Read More3 Mistakes to Avoid When Thinking About Hiring
Your business is growing. You’ve got solutions your customers want, a competitive difference to leverage and a sales process that closes consistently. FANTASTIC!! But as you know, growth brings challenges – and one of the biggest challenges I see business owners wrestling with is HIRING. It can be a struggle to find, hire and retain…
Read MoreThe Power of Permission
I’ve been selling and teaching sales for almost two decades. It’s something I love, I’m passionate about and something I truly believe is noble. It’s the lifeblood of any business no matter what it is. Without making the sale, your prospect is still stuck with the issue they called you to resolve. The sale is the doorway…
Read More3 Company Perks To Make Your Brand (& Employees!) Shine
To have a truly impressive brand, every aspect of your company should be well-thought out and properly managed, inside and out. If you’re looking to build a reputable and lovable business, taking care of your employees is essential. (After all, happy workers are better workers!) Boosting employee morale will send good vibes throughout the ranks,…
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