Small Things that Get You Big Wins

I’ve said many times that sales is a marathon, not a sprint.    There are a thousand decisions and adjustments that a marathon runner makes before, during and even after the race and each one helps them reach that finish line – and makes them just a tiny but faster, tiny bit better every time.…

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Work Addiction

For years, I was addicted to my work.  I slept with my laptop, wrote emails at all hours of the day and night, called colleagues or clients every time I set foot in a car and did NOT know how to unplug.    At all.   I continued that obsession from my early career years…

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Don’t Die Broke!

“The Entrepreneur. Visionary. High risk tolerance. Short Attention Span. Usually dies broke.”   A few minutes and a little bit more conversation later…   “The Artist. Creative.  Talented. Heart-centered. Usually dies broke.”   It was a bleak picture that my business partner was painting of the typical archetypes of founders of businesses. And in two…

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Early on in the process of writing my book (coming out a bit later this year), my incredible book coach, Kim, introduced me to a concept that really challenged me.   She told me that, as a writer, I was going to have to grapple with the role that accuracy played in my stories.    …

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Remember the moment in Shrek when he’s telling Donkey that Ogres have more to them than people think.   Donkey demands an example, Shrek searches for something to say and suddenly spots the onion in his hand.   “Ogres are like onions,” he says.     In response, donkey lists a bunch of silly things that…

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What do you want to be known for?

The other day, I was working on my TEDx application process.    During one of the training sessions, an incredible ThoughtLeader coach suggested that, as we work to narrow down the topic for our talk, we really think about what we wanted to be known for.   It was a simple suggestion and there wasn’t…

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The Journey of Personal Growth

What do you want?   This is a question most people have a hard time answering because we have been spoon-fed our decisions and desires since childhood. We were repeatedly told things like “Don’t argue with your mother, father, teacher, etc.”, “Only good little children get to have dessert,” “Because I say so,” or “You…

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When Their way is the Right way

I’ve always wanted to speak on a TEDx stage.  The desire has been rooted in my heart for so long that I can’t actually identify the moment that the seed was planted in my brain.  But for many years now I’ve envisioned myself, standing on that bold red dot, sharing a big idea with the…

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Decades In Months

  Nearly a decade ago, I was at the very first non-religious retreat of my life.   Our incredible host, MG, had gone to extreme lengths to make this was a true retreat – a pause in our busy work lives and a time where we could embrace the slow-down, enjoy the fruits of all…

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Go for Stupid!

Stupid has never really been an aspirational trait for me… well, at least not until the other day.   The other day I was chatting with my business partner, Thomas.  He was giving me a debrief on the progress of the Coaches going through our certification process and he was telling me about a something…

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