Welcome to STRATEGIC GROWTH!Let's Get Started! STEP 2: Let's Get to know you better. Self AssessmentStep 1 of 214%Section 1 - Getting in touch with youPlease list Full Name and what you like people to refer to you as: (ex: Jacqueline Caro, rta: Jackie)?*What email address and phone number would you like to be used for coach communication?This field is hidden when viewing the formEmail:* Phone:*This field is hidden when viewing the formDo you have a scheduling link? If so list it here:Section 2 - Getting to know you (watch out, we’re diving in!!)Who are the most important people in your life, and what is your relationship to them?*What do you value most in your life right now?*What does success look like to you?*Everyone's an expert on something, so what are you the guru of? This could be on or off the job, or a special training, interest or hobby. What are you especially good at doing, knowing or finding? What hidden (or not-so-hidden) talent do you have?*When I am working through an issue or solving a problem, I tend to…*Visualize the desired outcomeTactically feel the desired outcomeHear the desired outcomeSense the essence of the desired outcomeWhat are the most effective ways you like to be supported and acknowledged?*123OK, now for the resume! Give us the four-sentence version of your career history:*Section 3 - Your Personal Development JourneyOn a scale of novice to been-at-it-a-long-time, where are you with personal development?(Fill in the blank with 3 words or less) Looking inward makes me feel:*Have you taken any of these assessments? Please check all that apply.* MBTI: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 16PF: 16 Personality Factor HPI: Hogan personality inventory DISC test EPQ: Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Cliftons Strengths Finder NEO-PI-R Habit Finder Enneagram Maxwell Leadership Assessment PES: Process Evaluation Scale LCI: Leader Competency InventoryList any additional assessments you have taken other than above.Which was your favorite assessment?*Please upload any assessment results you have here: Drop files here or Select filesMax. file size: 100 MB, Max. files: 10.What has been your biggest success in your life thus far? How did you achieve it?*What is the most challenging obstacle you have had to overcome in your life thus far? How did you overcome it?*On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your current happiness level?What's contributing to making you so happy in your life right now?What's detracting from your life? What is it that's keeping you from feeling happy in your life right now?With ten being the most stressed, on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your current stress level?What's making you feel this stressed?What contributes to keeping your stress levels low?Section 4 - Your GoalsWhere do you see yourself 2 years from now?*What do you think it will take to get there?*Why is it important to you to get there?*What short-term goals would you like to accomplish over the next 6 months?*What previous steps have you already taken to achieve your short or long-term goals (please specify which one you’re referring to)?*Have those steps been successful?*YesNoPartiallyWhat has contributed to those results?*What have you learned from what you’ve tried?*What top three results would you like to gain from your Strategic Growth Community?*Result #1:Result #2:Result #3:Anything else that you think we should know about you?CAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO DIG DEEPER! We are so glad you are a part of our community!